Upon successful completion of the UEL MBA (International Business) programme, Graduates will be invited to celebrate their achievement with their friends and family at one of our graduation ceremonies. Graduates from this programme may use the letters MBA after their names. Graduates can opt to attend the full graduation ceremony in either in London, UK or in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or both.

UEL Graduation Ceremony held at East London, United Kingdom.
Warmest Congratulations to the 117 Graduates of the University of East London Programme at WIM College who were conferred their Master of Business Administration degree by UEL Vice-Chancellor, Professor John J. Joughin on 24 October 2015. The Distinction Graduates were awarded the special WIM Trophies of Excellence by Y. A. Bhg. Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar, Deputy Chairman of Genting Malaysia Berhad and Former Inspector-General of Police, Malaysia who was the Guest-of-Honour for this year’s Graduation Ceremony. We join your families in celebrating your achievements.

WIM College is proud to produce 147 distinction and 244 merit scorers over the last 15 years of the UEL MBA graduates worldwide.

Graduates’ Testimonies

Pursuing the WIM College UEL MBA Degree Programme (Cohort 16) was a great decision that has, and continues to invoke many beneficial instances in my working world, since graduating with a Distinction.

Learning seriously, professionally and acutely absorbing lessons throughout the course, a channel of ‘out of the box’ ideas in strategizing work predicaments with resolutions amazingly seem to flow quite effortlessly. Pursuing this UEL MBA Degree will impose brain maturity, a clear mind with structured thoughts, in reality, that has proven useful, worthy and beneficial in all forms in the working environment needs. People tend to have faith in you when making firm decisions as a UEL MBA graduate, as I have experienced.

It was a really enjoyable and wonderful journey, readily assisted by the good and dedicated lecturers for subjects taught, thus resulting to a WIN-WIN-WIN scenario for all involved.
With a little regret in hindsight, I should have pursued this MBA Degree 20 years earlier (ie. in my early 30s)

Jasmene Bin Mohd Jonid

CEO, Crystal Remit Worldwide SDN BHD


MBA must fundamentally be a journey of mental, physical and emotional nourishment … of knowing oneself and how one blends with other like-minded individuals. The WIM-UEL MBA provides an excellent medium to complete the journey, in all aspects of programme substance, delivery and support, found lacking in many other programmes. Lecturers challenge the students, so that when the time comes these students become worthy to be called a Master of Business Administration.”

Raymond Lim (Distinction Scorer)

Head of Country Airbus in Malaysia


Pursuing an MBA may be a tough decision for many that includes me. I was lucky to be introduced to MBA with WIM- UEL as throughout my working life attending this was among the best experience I’ve ever had. The intensity of it was mostly felt through active interaction with fellow classmates and professors, and this continues after graduation. Most importantly, I am now an MBA graduate from WIM-UEL with an improved networking connection, excellent socialising skills and this has definitely raised me to another level of lifelong education achievement.


Second Vice President: Group Finance Services, KPJ Healthcare BHD


An MBA programme is all about continuous life-long education in personal and career development. Thus, an MBA programme enables the graduate to learn the skills required to be a well-equipped person and even better employee in the workforce. The WIM-UEL MBA programme just exactly that and more! With a high calibre team of academic staff as well as competent and friendly administration staff, it was the best decision I made in my career to embark on this educational journey. With the flexible schedule for lectures and the opportunity to mingle with peers I highly respected from various industries, I thoroughly enjoyed attending each MBA session at WIM’s dedicated learning facility.


Regional General Manager, Nissan Tan Chong Motor Berhad


I wish to affirm that the WIM-UEL MBA programme absolutely delivered its promise of quality lecturing and coursework. I felt very proud to have accomplished with distinction what I initially thought was beyond my reach. It would have been so had it not been for the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools offered by WIM-UEL. The quality of the dedicated and committed lecturers with their interesting insights surpassed my expectations. Their ever-friendly and reassuring guidance deserves full recognition. By far, the most motivating part of the programme was that the carefully planned classes were held during alternate weekends which suited the working executive comfortably. The group presentations, furthermore were a phenomenal way to bounce off ideas and the courses to life while simultaneously contributing in a real sense to the companies that we work for. It has been my pleasure indeed to have journeyed with WIM-UEL as it has greatly enriched my experiences and widened my understanding of the various perspectives. WIM-UEL provides a framework to identify the key business challenges illustrated with several cases studies of the successful and failed organizations that unlocked my thinking to address the problems.

The MBA journey is truly inspiring. It is not just a step in the right direction but a quantum leap towards enhancing your career and professional goals. The WIM-UEL MBA programme is therefore, highly recommended in this pace paced and dynamic environment. I wish to sincerely extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the principal and staff of WIM. I wish WIM every success in every way.


Director, Lemon Daisy Cake Sdn.Bhd


The WIM-UEL MBA programme provided me a fantastic opportunity to hone my entrepreneurial skills and explore my maximum potential. The knowledge gained enabled the application of new ideas and strategies to lift my organization to greater heights. It has empowered me to achieve a higher learning by giving a new holistic perspective and appreciation of my business venture. My gratitude to WIM for providing this excellent medium of experiential learning.


Executive Director, Sun Emerge Tech (M) Sdn Bhd


The MBA programme offered at WIM College provided me with the invaluable opportunity to be exposed to parts of a business organisation beyond my area of specialisation. Though the programme was challenging, the stimulation and interactions I had with my course-mates who came from diverse industries made learning fun and captivating all times. Lesson learned in and out of class with the many friends I had made here, provided me with the necessary exposure to do well in my workplace.

Thomas Tan

Chief Operating Officer, TNH Construction Sdn Bhd


It was a tough decision and great courage for me to sign up the WIM-UEL MBA programme especially when I was newly promoted for new portfolio. However, no regret for me for pursing WIM-UEL MBA as they provide a great opportunity for me to enhance my skill and knowledge from business perspective including business strategies and critical thinking.

The course is very intense and modules offered are diversify included marketing, operations, accounting and finance, human resource and business strategy. The interactions during class or group meetings are fantastic and challenging but promote and encourage critical thinking, which also give me chances to build a robust skill set applicable to my business career paths.

I utilize the skills learned from the MBA in my profession as a Chief Executive Officer. I have earned the respect from my doctors, colleagues and peers including my employer and I am considered an employee who adds value to the higher level for decision making.

Rachel Yew Hooi Choo

Chief Executive Officer, Pantai Hospital Cheras


I have been in managerial role for more than 15 years but I felt something deficient when facing new challenges on new business environment, which is borderless in the Internet era now. The WIM-UEL MBA program provides excellent fundamentals and holistic theoretical approach to complement my skill sets and experience to prepare for those challenges. I am also grateful to learn new ideas and solutions from new network of friends, lecturers and staffs of WIM-UEL. Thanks again to WIM-UEL who helps me achieve another level of success.

Azhar Adnan

Head Corporate Business, TIME dotCom Berhad


WIM – UEL Alumni Group

The WIM-UEL Alumni Group was set up in November 2009 to provide networking opportunities and career development for WIM College – UEL MBA graduates.

The Objectives

  • To promote business networking and fellowship amongst such WIM College – University of East London Graduates and to offer opportunities on continuing professional education.
  • To provide support whenever possible to WIM College and University of East London and maintain close and cordial links with these two institutions.


  • Free copies of WIM’s Business Journal, INSPIRE
  • Fee WIM Annual Planner (book form)
  • Discounts on WIM’s motivational short courses, rent of WIM seminar rooms, Atrium, Conference Hall, etc.

The Activities

  • Organise social events and tours
  • Maintain close links with one another, e. g. Directory of Members, Newsletter, etc.
  • Organise intellectual and business promotions events
  • Organise Dialogues, Seminars, Lectures, etc.
  • Contribute articles for WIM’s Business Journal, INSPIRE and support relevant WIM’s events.
  • Introduce MBA students to WIM College, for which WIM College will pay an incentive
  • Run a Job Headhunting service